Welcome to this blogspot page, which is a repository of articles and other resources from a Catholic perspective regarding the questions and issues dividing members of the Catholic Church and the churches of Christ.
Many of these resources are re-presented from an internet ministry I ran in the mid-to-late 90's following my conversion to Catholicism. I'm not very actively involved in apologetics ministry these days--though I'll still give witness or help answer questions when I can--I've had feedback suggesting these resources may be helpful to those interested in these two very unique Christian fellowships.
My purpose in organizing this page is not to attack or insult the churches of Christ. However, as the churches of Christ are well known for encouraging members of other churches, especially Catholics, to actively seek truth and abandon their churches for "the Church you can read about in the Bible," these resources are presented as but one voice affirming that said Church is, indeed, the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ to which all people, including members of the churches of Christ, are added by the Lord upon their baptism.
In the old days of the "In Search of the Lord's Church" website I used to avoid questions about my age. As I write this introduction now I am 30; the website is from the mid-to-late 90's. I hope that any lack of charity or hermeneutical naivete found in my articles can be, at least in part, attributed to my youth at the time of composition. Anything substantive and of value in them, however, is to be credited to the wonderful teachers, elders, priests, and brethren I have been privileged to worship with in the two Christian fellowships which have both so positively impacted my life and, good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, my immortal soul.
May the Lord bless us, protect us form all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.
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